Bestsellers There are 3 modules.

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    3 Review(s)

    Paypal Instant Checkout gives your visitors / customers to check out the current shopping cart or a current product in 1 click with Paypal. Logging-in is not required. Fast. Secure.

    125,99 € 88,19 €
  • 10 Review(s)

    Multi Accessories Pro builds a flexible bundle of products. It looks like combinations of a product. It looks like accessories of a product. It looks like a packed product. It also looks like related items of the current product. Just select and add them all to basket in 1 click.

    139,99 € 97,99 €
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  • 1 Review(s)

    This PrestaShop invoice module offers ability to add one or more custom invoices to your orders in specific formats, instead of using Prestashop default Prestashop invoice.

    69,99 € 55,99 €
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