Have you offered sale-off to your customers and gain more sales?
Have you sent a newsletter, introduced about your special campaign and gain more customers?
Have you spent hours to set good price for your items?
If you say “Yes” to all of them, that’s so great. You love your customers. You love the way giving values to people who use your products.
* * *
Today, I would like to tell you a myth. In a open world nowadays, you can hear the voice from your prospect. That’s really good, honestly to say.
We have been working hard to design a great solution for you. Thanks to Quick Quote Tool pro, you now are ready to capture any words from the people who are interested in your products. It’s really easy. It’s like adding to basket, whenever they have chance to review your products (at homepage, category page, search page, product page, etc..), they will be given a chance to add one or more products into a quote list, then submit the quote with their own suggested prices or comments.
Your turn? Yes, once they start a quote, you should follow up the conversation and aim to the final and special deal. It’s not boring. It’s 2 way communication. Any one (between 2 of you) can continue or stop communication anytime.
Cool? Get it now? Hurry up, first 10 people will receive a free copy of Quick Quote Tool pro.
Opps, I suddenly forgot 1 thing, it’s a truth about the relation between you and your prospect. Quick Quote Tool pro, actually stops buyer-seller relationship.

Now, it’s all about partnership. You and your prospect jump into a conversation, discuss together and negotiate towards to a deal which is customized and only for the person who started that conversation.
You love your business. We are inspired to make your business better. 10 free copies of Quick Quote Tool pro are waiting for you:
Related keywords: shipping prestashop, quick quote solutions