Point of sale pro for Prestashop

This is the most wanted feature we are thrilling to integrating that.

Almost barcode reader out there will work properly with Point Of Sale Module.

Now, it’s time to pick up your hardware at BarcodesInc.Barcode Scanner USB for Prestashop Point of sale pro

We are discussing with BarcodesInc in order to get the best deals for our users. More to come soon.

For now, subscribe to our mailing list to get updated immediately on Prestashop Point Of Sale Pro, version 1.6.


Related keywords: quick quote toolprestashop invoice

Scenes in Prestashop

From Prestashop manual:

Image maps was a feature that was introduced with version 1.1 of PrestaShop, and available up to version 1.5 included.
New installations of PrestaShop 1.6 do not have this feature available, but stores upgraded to version 1.6 can still use it.

So you know, Prestashop does not support Scenes or Image Mapping in Prestashop 1.6 any more. But you still can use it.

For the guide here to firstly activate the feature.

That’s it, now, let’s start digging into this great feature.

Oops, I was noticed the following error, it could be a bug. When I draw an area and then try to map to a product. Autocomplete search does not seems working properly. The list of matched products looks ridiculous.

Scene does not work in Prestashop 1.6

Then, I save the scenes, reload the page again, everything has gone. It means, I have to do that again and again and again.

And here is the fix:

Scene does not work in Prestashop 1.6

Is this helpful for you? Share your idea by leaving your comments below.


Related keywords: point of sale pospaypal pro prestashoponline quoting toolfree shipping module prestashop

Since 1.5.x, Prestashop merchants now can make an order on behalf of your customers.

What is that and how you can do that?


If you are looking for different ways to sell your products (than your online website only), you are at the right place.

It’s really good when your friend calls you and ask you making an order for him.

It’s also a good fit when someone coming to your shop and make an “offline” order.
Point of sale for Prestashop

Yes, now, you can do that easily within back office of Prestashop. Just locate to Orders > Add new.

Here you go:Point of Sale for Prestashop


  1. Searching for an existing customer (or add new profile)
  2. Searching for 1 or more products
  3. Discount? Free shipping? You decide what to do.
  4. Associate it with a payment
  5. Confirm the order.

The problem is that, the step #4, payment is just a hack. Let me show you. If your site already has Paypal payment installed, then, you probably select Paypal as a payment method for that order. What’s next? Nothing! The payment actually is not made.

Another fact is that, sometimes, the people come to your shop, they might want to pay the order in different means (for only 1 order),  cash , check, credit card, etc…

Honestly, this feature is really awesome! But just in term of creating or editing an order within the back office.

You even want more. Is that true? Point of sale is a common solution which solves your problem perfectly. Now, we bring the solution to Prestashop merchants.

Simple. Easy. Fast. Clean.

Curious about that? See the live demo.

The current features are quite limited. We are working hard to bring one by one, and making sure it’s fully tested.

More to come…

Subscribe to get updated:


Related keywords: paypal module for prestashoppos point of saleprestashop best quote module

Selling a bundle of products on Prestashop

There are several ways to offer a bundle of products to your customers.
The best way is to prepare a packed product.


There is already a built-in option for you when you create a new product or manage an existing one.

Packed product

  1. Change product type to Pack of existing products
  2. Search and add 2 or more existing products into the pack
  3. How many items should be included in the pack
  4. Finish adding each item

Of course, you have to give it a name, set quantity of the pack, price etc… Now, your pack is available for purchase.


As a visitor / customer, she will see this pack as a normal product. But she also has a chance to know content of that pack, like how many items in the pack, quantity of each item, price of each separated item…

Packed product in Prestashop

Especially, she is free to decide what to purchase:

– OR purchase the whole pack with all defined items in the pack with the good price

– OR purchase each of single item in the pack.


Packed product is a very awesome built-in feature of Prestashop. It’s really good when you want to give a special offer or a combo of several related products or accessories. But considering myself as a shopper, I have only 2 choices: or check out the combo, or check out some of items. Ah, maybe 1 more choice: NO PURCHASE :)

Module Accessories Pro is put in place to solve the problem, for both, buyer and seller. Module Accessories Pro is just like packed products, but more flexible.

As a seller, beyond the great features of packed product, I can decide how they’re displayed to my customers.

As a buyer, I can decide:

  • Which items to buy
  • How many quantities to buy
  • All in 1 click

Download and give it a try.


Related keywords: prestashop quote for pricepaypal module prestashoppoint of sale moduleprestashop shipping module free

Customize Prestashop invoices

Here is a simple tip for you guys who want to customize the invoices generated by Prestashop.

As soon as payment is accepted, as an administrator or sale man, you now can view the invoice just with 1 click from the back office (Orders).
Prestashop view invoices


Some people asked me how to customize the invoices.

This is my answer:

  1. Log in to your Prestashop back office
  2. Locate to Orders, then view detail of an order

Oach, something’s wrong?

Give me 1 second.

Oh, I’m sorry, I should install module Custom Invoices at first. Okay, download here and set it up as a standard module.

Now, back to the steps.

  1. Log in to your Prestashop back office
  2. Locate to Orders, then view detail of an order
  3. Click on “Upload custom invoices”Upload custom invoices for Prestashop
  4. Select one or several custom invoices, then upload immediately.

That’s it! Enjoy uploading custom invoices directly in your Prestashop.


Related Keywords: shipping modulesquote module for prestashopcustom invoice module prestashop

Quick Quote Tool pro for Prestashop

Have you  offered sale-off to your customers and gain more sales?

Have you sent a newsletter, introduced about your special campaign and gain more customers?

Have you spent hours to set good price for your items?

If you say “Yes” to all of them, that’s so great. You love your customers. You love the way giving values to people who use your products.

* * *

Today, I would like to tell you a myth. In a open world nowadays, you can hear the voice from your prospect. That’s really good, honestly to say.

We have been working hard to design a great solution for you. Thanks to Quick Quote Tool pro, you now are ready to capture any words from the people who are interested in your products. It’s really easy. It’s like adding to basket, whenever they have chance to review your products (at homepage, category page, search page, product page, etc..), they will be given a chance to add one or more products into a quote listthen submit the quote with their own suggested prices or comments.

Your turn? Yes, once they start a quote, you should follow up the conversation and aim to the final and special deal. It’s not boring. It’s 2 way communication. Any one (between 2 of you) can continue or stop communication anytime.

Cool? Get it now? Hurry up, first 10 people will receive a free copy of Quick Quote Tool pro.


Opps, I suddenly forgot 1 thing, it’s a truth about the relation between you and your prospect. Quick Quote Tool pro, actually stops buyer-seller relationship.

Quick Quote Tool pro maintain partnership with your customers

Now, it’s all about partnership. You and your prospect jump into a conversation, discuss together and negotiate towards to a deal which is customized and only for the person who started that conversation.

You love your business. We are inspired to make your business better. 10 free copies of Quick Quote Tool pro are waiting for you:


Related keywords: shipping prestashopquick quote solutions

Australia Post for Prestashop

Well, it’s a long story.

Several years ago, my friend – Nitzan – started developing the first version of Australia Post which only supports the current Prestashop at that time. So he owns Australia Post 1.0 – works with Prestashop 1.3.x.

Nitzan, he was a busy man, always! The module got more sales, and of course, more tickets coming up and making a long queue. He was really stuck with that. Users had to wait for weeks to get answered, then next a few weeks to get another response. Everything went down pretty quickly.

At the end of 2012, we met each other, we talked about that a lot…

Phew, finally, Nitzan gave all accesses to me, and we became the co-owner of the module. Then, I would be responsible for everything. Development. Support. Marketing. The overall rating was super slow – 2.0 stars. My goal was to draw a new picture about Australia Post and a new picture about the people behind.


Let’s talk about “me”, yes, a quite lazy guy but felt in love with Prestashop. And that’s it. I did not know much enough about business around. I did know how a shipping module works. I did not have any experience about maintaining a simple product. I started from ZERO, literally as well as figuratively.

I tried to understand the work-flow of the module.

I tried to reply to all tickets as fast as I can. I did that at first in the morning and one more time when closing my laptop’s lid and turning off the light at middle night.

I got questions. I got new requests from existing users. Yeah, that’s really cool. I did not think about $$$, honestly, but closing my eyes and imagining about an upcoming version. Enjoy dreaming – working hard – getting in touch with users. Day by day, I grew up; Australia Post guy was “grown up” too; as if both of guys were born together :)

If you were me, how would you feel when receiving such comments?

Excellent module and excellent support. Needed customized code for certain categories and was fixed in no time.

Awesome Support from the developer, Great solution for getting accurate shipping costs in Australia.

Very well done and easy to use module. This makes it a lot easier for me to ship products without having to calculate and apply rates myself. Had a problem with installation and contacted support and they fixed it for me straight away (and installed a new version on top of that). If you need to use Australia post for your shipping I would strongly recommend this module!

And here is all our effort – 5 stars over 5!


You will have no choice than smiling all the days for sure. Wanna bet?


Wait! That’s not the end of the story. One day, we asked ourselves – Why don’t we give Australia Post for free? The answer is so simple: Yes, why’s not! Thanks for that, Australia Post basic  is designed for you. If your shop is not a big one, Australia Post basic is a very good start.

Sign up today and enjoy Australia Post basic for FREE:


Related keywords: Prestashop Australia Post ModuleAustralia Post Pro